Joining us this week is The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps' snare drum section leader and percussion arranger Mark Reilly. In addition to his performance/military career, Mark regularly presents clinics on Swiss and American rudimental drumming, chairs the PAS Marching Committee, and has been involved in many Military Tattoos abroad.
Watch here. Listen below.
0:00 intro and hello
5:17 What's new, Mark?
6:40 Taking the Corp overseas? The Old Guard
8:45 The Basel Tattoo?
11:45 How do drum and fife traditions vary around the US, and the world?
18:00 Starting very young.
18:45 Casey: Ligeti and Fluxus
35:19 International rudimental drumming scene? Some of Mark's favorite drummers
43:12 How did rudimental drumming spread?
47:35 Megan: Company of Fifers and Drummers
52:50 Competitions and what judges look for?
54:10 Experience as Chair of PAS Marching Committee?
57:10 Traditional Drum Corps in Universities?
1:01:30 Top Secret Drum Corps?
Watch here. Listen below.
0:00 intro and hello
5:17 What's new, Mark?
6:40 Taking the Corp overseas? The Old Guard
8:45 The Basel Tattoo?
11:45 How do drum and fife traditions vary around the US, and the world?
18:00 Starting very young.
18:45 Casey: Ligeti and Fluxus
35:19 International rudimental drumming scene? Some of Mark's favorite drummers
43:12 How did rudimental drumming spread?
47:35 Megan: Company of Fifers and Drummers
52:50 Competitions and what judges look for?
54:10 Experience as Chair of PAS Marching Committee?
57:10 Traditional Drum Corps in Universities?
1:01:30 Top Secret Drum Corps?