
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
@Percussion 272 - Steven Bryant
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
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Guest: Steven Bryant https://www.stevenbryant.com
Hosts: Casey Cangelosi, Ben Charles, Karli Viña, and Ksenija Komljenović
Intro music by: Reese Maultsby - https://www.reesemaultsby.com/
Watch here Listen below
0:00 Intro and Hello
:57 Today in History: Clyde Stubblefield
5:24 Welcome, Steven! Repertoire for all levels
9:10 Steve’s breakdancing and radio-controlled car racing background(!)
11:25 Studying with Francis McBeth
13:26 John Corigliano
26:17 On the process of composing
34:13 On motivation to compose
39:36 Steve’s piece, The Automatic Earth; Artificial Intelligence
48:33 Facebook/Instagram Questions
53:17 Favorite percussion instruments, percussion writing
58:50 Upcoming projects

Thursday Feb 11, 2021
@Percussion - 271 - Dani Markham
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
★ Support the show by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
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Dani Markham @danimarkham on Instagram
Hosts: Casey Cangelosi, Ben Charles, Karli Vina, and Ksenija Komljenović, Bill Shaltis, Brian Nozny, Caleb Pickering
Intro music by Reese Maultsby
Watch here Listen below
0:00 Intro and hello.
1:15 Ben: News for Feb 11
6:50 Welcome to Dani Markham!
8:00 What are you doing currently?
9:40 Your career life and schedule?
13:01 What has your classical school training taught you about freelancing?
19:00 Auditioning?
27:00 Early training by wrote and ear?
31:20 Auxiliary Percussionist
39:25 Career path?
44:30 Starting in a new city?
49:15 Any crazy gig stories?
55:04 Keeping busy during COVID?
58:45 Favorite xylo rag?
1:02:50 What is your dream for the year post COVID?

Thursday Feb 04, 2021
@Percussion 270 - Sam Solomon
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
★ Support the show by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atpercussion/
PodBean: https://atpercussion.podbean.com/
Hosts: Casey Cangelosi, Ben Charles, and Ksenija Komljenović, Karli Viña
Intro music by Reese Maultsby - reesemaultsby.com
Watch here Listen below
0:12 introduction
1:46 today in history: birth of Alice Cooper, death of Iannis Xenakis and Karen Carpenter
4:51 Welcome Sam Solomon!
6:14 Sam’s new book, The Hitchhiker Etudes
16:20 John Cage’s 27’ 10.554”
22:20 Iannis Xenakis’s Omega
24:13 Juilliard Percussion Seminar online
28:25 chamber music online
32:53 NYT article: The San Francisco Symphony Plunges Into a New World, about Nico Muhly’s world premiere with the San Francisco Symphony under Esa-Pekka Salonen
40:20 What will we learn from pandemic experiences?
43:20 Sam’s older book, Advanced Rhythmic Studies
43:43 counting systems (1-e-and-a, etc.)
49:26 Sam’s book, How to Write for Percussion
1:00:18 percussion specialist vs. totalist
1:03:20 Facebook Question from Adam Silverman: How is it possible that you consistently appeared each year at both sides of the Tanglewood panoramic photograph?

Thursday Jan 28, 2021
@Percussion 270 - Julie Strom
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
★ Support the show by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
★ Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atperc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atpercussion/
PodBean: https://atpercussion.podbean.com/
Hosts: Casey Cangelosi, Ben Charles, Karli Viña, and Ksenija Komljenović
Guest: Julie Strom https://www.juliestrompercussion.com/
Intro music by: Bartek Miller https://bartekmiler.com/
Watch here Listen below
00:16 Intro
02:06 Music History – January 28 (Shostakovich’s opera Lady Macbeth & Stalin)
10:15 Julie Strom introduction
10:52 Shoutout to Pete’s Percussion Podcast
11:32 How is the pandemic going?
12:14 What is so important that musicians need to know outside of the practice room? Getting a job after graduation is about so much more than practicing.
17:19 Examples of DO and DO NOT from the perspective of the Personnel Manager
18:12 How to address e-mail etiquette with students
22:52 Diverse teachers influencing artistic identity
27:36 Studying with Peter Sadlo
30:10 Being the only female percussionist in Sadlo’s Munich studio
31:24 Tradition vs. modern times: terminology, visibility, formal attire issues
39:40 Unconventional attire (Julie’s Alice in Wonderland recital)
45:02 Ben’s red pants story
46:50 Article discussion - San Francisco Classical Voice: Everything’s a Drum – Percussion Hits Its Stride
55:55 Generalist vs. specialist. Are ‘violinists’ ever considered ‘stringists’?
57:45 Teaching positions: increasing requirements
01:00:24 Performing predominantly one’s own music when applying for teaching jobs
01:02:14 Julie’s book (helping musicians get into a college and build a career after)
01:02:22 Asking the right questions when sculpting your career (where do you want to live? What do you need?)
01:07:38 Julie’s life post-graduation

Thursday Jan 21, 2021
@Percussion - 268 Pedro Carneiro
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
★ Support the show by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
★ Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atperc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atpercussion/
PodBean: https://atpercussion.podbean.com/
Hosts: Casey Cangelosi, Ben Charles, Karli Vina, and Ksenija Komljenović, Bill Shaltis, Brian Nozny, Caleb Pickering
Intro music by Luigi Morello www.morleoeditore.com
Watch here Listen below
0:00 Intro and hello. New years resolutions.
3:22 Ben: Jan 21 in music history.
8:18 Becoming a conductor.
14:25 NY Times, Allan Kozinn - Percussionists Go From Background to Podium
19:30 Gesture as it relates to conducting?
26:20 Co-founding an orchestra!? O
36:46 Your work with John Psathas?
48:20 Your thoughts on sound and marimba innovations? Pedal marimba.
1:00:25 "Superman" review, group concerto.
1:02:50 Advice for young percussionsts?
1:18:30 Excerpt from "Book of Spirals" by Pedro Carneiro

Thursday Jan 14, 2021
@Percussion 266 - Marcelina Suchocka
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
★ Support the show by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
★ Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atperc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atpercussion/
PodBean: https://atpercussion.podbean.com/
Guest: Marcelina Suchocka https://www.marcelinasuchocka.com/
Hosts: Casey Cangelosi, Ben Charles, Karli Viña, and Ksenija Komljenović
Intro music by: Reese Maultsby - https://www.reesemaultsby.com/
Watch here Listen below
0:00 Intro and Hello
1:20 Today in History
4:20 Welcome, Marcelina!
10:07 Playing in New World Symphony, working with MTT
15:00 International experiences: Poland, Japan
23:47 Influential teachers
26:34 Excelsis Percussion, Pathos Trio
30:23 Orchestral auditions, motivation through pandemic
40:25 Marcelina’s Upcoming Recital
45:02 Ben: music in Stanley Kubrick’s films
54:11 Working with Helmut Lachenmann
59:10 Representation in percussion
66:12 Best thing about living in Miami?

Thursday Jan 07, 2021
@Percussion 265 - Allen Otte
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
★ Support the show by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
★ Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atperc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atpercussion/
PodBean: https://atpercussion.podbean.com/
Hosts: Casey Cangelosi, Ben Charles, and Ksenija Komljenović, Karli Viña
Intro music by Reese Maultsby - reesemaultsby.com
Recommended reading: Allen recommends Zadie Smith's Intimations as a poignant, relevant reflection on these times.
Watch here Listen below
0:11 intro
7:04 Welcome Allen Otte!
9:48 Blackearth Percussion Group record stories
14:46 Founding of Blackearth Percussion Group
23:47 Lion’s roar and Mauricio Kagel’s Dressur
27:17 Taking the work seriously
29:44 More about Dressur
38:51 Hurdles in getting started with a chamber group
47:27 Christopher Deane and Facebook question from Brady Spitz: How do you cultivate creativity in your students, not just percussive skills, but artistry independent of instrument?
55:12 “The good old days of new music”
1:01:38 Karli topic: protest music
1:12:40 The Innocents project with John Lane
1:18:48 Allen performs Mark Saya’s piece The Simurgh from From the Book of Imaginary Beings

Thursday Dec 31, 2020
@Percussion 264 - Kai Strobel
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
★ Support the show by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
★ Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atperc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atpercussion/
PodBean: https://atpercussion.podbean.com/
Guest: Kai Strobel https://www.adams-music.com/en/artists/adams_percussion/kai-strobel
Hosts: Ksenija Komljenović, Ben Charles, and Karli Viña
Intro music by Antek Olesik https://www.youtube.com/user/br7725
Watch here Listen below
00:00 Hello!
02:35 December 31 in Music History
07:35 Kai Strobel introduction
08:55 How is life?
10:13 Holographic performance at TROMP 2020
13:55 Social Media Questions from Jacob WH, some_mad_vibes, thomas.perc – How do you practice and memorize large pieces? (Such as Rebonds)
20:03 FB Question from Bensen Kwan – What other musicians have inspired your musicality and interpretation?
22:53 What music have you recently gotten excited about?
25:04 FB Question from Bensen Kwan – What is the one thing musicians around the world should improve on or explore more of? (Your Merlin performance on YouTube is just the most stunning recording I have ever heard! So incredible!)
26:10 Choosing not to play Merlin in recitals these days
32:15 IG Question from Grigory Osipov – I am really curious how someone can achieve such gigantic phrases with his movements. Have you been taught to play with really distinctive gestures from the beginning or you played like other mortals and then transformed your technique?
36:03 IG Question from Antek Olesik – What are some good gym exercises for faster marimba chops? The role of physical health and sports.
40:00 Philosophy of sound

Saturday Dec 26, 2020
@Percussion - 267 Bonus Holiday RoundTable
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
★ Support the show by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
★ Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atperc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atpercussion/
PodBean: https://atpercussion.podbean.com/
Hosts: Casey Cangelosi, Ben Charles, Karli Vina, and Ksenija Komljenović, Bill Shaltis, Brian Nozny, Caleb Pickering
Intro music by Reese Maultsby
Watch here Listen below
0:00 Intro and hello.
1:24 Year wrap-up
4:10 Trick by Brian Nozny.
10:30 Large percussion ensembles, percussion orchestra.
12:55 Richard Gibson on Percussion Orchestra
19:50 Making a reduced version of a large percussion ensemble?
24:00 Brian's "Trick" and dedication to Christopher Rouse
25:33 Caleb's White Knuckle Stroll arrangement for 4 mallets. Full, loud, dense marimba
34:14 Bill's 2020 clinic at PASIC
43:20 Yet another semester with COVID, what are your changing?

Thursday Dec 24, 2020
@Percussion 263 - Cara Wildman
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
★ Support the show by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
★ Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atperc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atpercussion/
PodBean: https://atpercussion.podbean.com/
Hosts: Casey Cangelosi, Ben Charles, Karli Viña, and Ksenija Komljenović
Intro music by: Antoni Olesik https://instagram.com/antek.olesik
Watch here Listen below
0:00 Intro and Hello, Karli’s YouTube Recital
2:43 Today in History: Mozart and Clementi, Verdi, Ricky Martin, First ever performance of Silent Night
6:45 Welcome, Cara! Getting started in traditional music
17:32 Studying traditional Irish music in Limerick
25:22 What is “traditional music?”
28:56 Cultural and musical differences between Ireland and the U.S.
37:05 International bodhran competitions
41:58 Ksenija: The Hidden Cost of Streaming
59:51 Cara’s debut album
1:01:15 History of bodhran playing
1:04:38 Cara's Upcoming Projects and Wrap