
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
@Percussion 252 - Supporters' Roundtable 1
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
5:45 Karli: Today in history: Takemitsu, Foo Fighters vs John McCain, Pitbull
18:55 Jade, fire update in Oregon?
22:55 Covid rep.? Graphic scores in teaching.
30:40 Teaching during Covid?
33:20 Ksenija: Article: Classical Music Attracts Older Audiences - Good. Attracting audiences

Thursday Oct 01, 2020
@Percussion - 251 - Meagan Gillis
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Watch here Listen below

Thursday Sep 24, 2020
@Percussion - 250 - Sam Um
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Watch here. Listen below
0:00 Intro and hello. Ben: Today in music history: Nevermind, James Brown car chase, Composer Amy Scurria's birthday.
7:52 Welcome, Sam Um!
9:55 Overcoming recording nerves?
12:05 Gear when recording yourself?
13:30 Recording for Vic Firth?
18:40 New gig in KS?!
21:30 What fresh prospective do you plan on bringing to the new job?
26:45 Some thoughts on teaching timpani.
30:40 Gossip - Dmitrii Nilov chapter
35:40 The ARD competition?
42:08 Article: "Out of Context #1: Diversifying Programming with Integrity"
1:04:30 Your teachers? Robert van Sice and Michael Burritt
1:07:40 Percussion Collective...favorite person? Thank you to our new Patrons!

Thursday Sep 17, 2020
@Percussion - 249 - Joe Tompkins
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
@Percussion - 248 - Pedro Fernandez
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
★ Support the show by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
★ Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atperc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atpercussion/
PodBean: https://atpercussion.podbean.com/
Hosts: Casey Cangelosi, Ben Charles, Karli Viña, and Ksenija Komljenović
Intro music by: Antoni Olesik - https://www.instagram.com/antek.olesik
00:35 Premium level patron shoutout – Jade Hails!
1:17 Today in history (Nirvana conspiracy theory, Fresh Prince of Bel Air)
7:12 Pedro Introduction
7:49 FB Question - Maria Chlebus ‘How do you stay so handsome?’
08:15 Pedro being refused a haircut
9:00 Share your perspective, challenges, and experiences as an international student
13:41 Did you ever turn the negativity into a motivational tool and contribute to the success you have now?
15:15 Blind auditions
16:28 FB Question – Mike Kessler ‘What are your two top snare drum/marimba/vibes books you would recommend?’
19:50 What is going on with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra?
20:30 Houston Symphony web-streaming concerts – anything similar happening with ISO?
22:09 Myths about Pedro’s performance and PASIC clinic/lab
23:34 Karli still thinks Pedro played blindfolded
25:02 Pedro’s mother “what are you even doing when you are practicing?” – how do you practice
28:29 Ben’s anecdote of Pedro practicing triangle
30:29 How has your practicing changed during the quarantine?
33:20 What music do you jam out to?
34:46 Should chopsticks be used as musical implements? Facebook discussion read
39:24 Conversation about chopsticks
42:39 An explanation why it is offensive to use chopsticks
45:00 Stuart Saunders Smith – Songs I-IX require chopsticks – should we follow composers who instruct us to use specific instrumentation/implement choices?
51:47 Appropriation – term and usage
55:45 Does outrage cause people to be fearful about being around different cultures?
1:01:43 FB Question - Jade Hails: Is the experience playing with the ballet orchestra any different from the symphony orchestra?
1:05:09 Example of a piece that is played faster in symphony orchestra than in ballet?
1:07:17 How do you pronounce Ginastera?

Thursday Sep 03, 2020
@Percussion - 247 - Brian Smith
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
@Percussion - 246 - Louise Devenish
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
★ Support the show by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
★ Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atperc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atpercussion/
PodBean: https://atpercussion.podbean.com/
Hosts: Casey Cangelosi, Ben Charles, Karli Viña, and Ksenija Komljenović
Intro music by Reese Maultsby - reesemaultsby.com
Watch here Listen below
0:00 Intro and hello
2:00 Casey: Today in music history. Beatles auction, fire at the Met.
10:57 Welcome, Dr. Louise Devenish!
13:27 Your research and fellowship project? Collaboration.
16:00 Interest in music of Australia?
17:50 Your publication on under represented artists?
29:14 Your book, "Global Percussion Innovations" ?
30:35 Excerpts of Louise performing. Collaboration.
37:00 How do you encourage students to pursue commissions and collaborations?
39:00 Kagel's Dressur and "Never Tilt Your Chair".
44:20 Karli: Louise's composition "Taut"
52:40 Karli: Working through COVID, "Crisis Fatigue" article. What have we all been doing to keep active?

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
@Percussion - 244 - Hal Rosenfeld
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Watch here Listen below
Become a supporter of the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
0:00 Intro and hello. Casey: History - Voyager Golden Record
7:01 Welcome to Hal!
10:11 Theory training. Being an orchestrator.
16:21 Great percussion in film music? Emil Richards.
23:11 How has film music changed?
26:31 Music Producer role? Job roles.
32:31 Copyright....
34:58 Advice for young people who are interested in this career path?
44:01 "It's ok, we'll fix it in post"
48:56 Joe Porcaro and Emil Richards story.
50:06 Ben: "How Musicians Helped Integrate the Silver Screen"
60:11 Racial integration in the film music industry? How is COVID effecting the industry?
1:11:08 Are you recording remotely now?
1:14:01 Thanks to @Perc. from Hal :)

Friday Aug 14, 2020
@Percussion Podcast - 243 - Alana Wiesing
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Become a supporter of the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
Watch here Listen below
Intro music by Luigi Morleo - www.morleoeditore.com
0:00 Intro and hello. Casey: History and Duke Ellington's ballet
6:05 Welcome, Alana!
7:20 Your life change from freelancing vs full-time orchestra?
19:50 Anything you were not prepared for in starting with the TSO?
25:45 Taking a summer off? Summer festivals.
31:18 Any freelancing nightmare stories?
37:00 Race and discrimination in the music world.
As a minority in the percussion world,
do you feel a responsibility to tell your story?
43:40 What is our responsibility as musicians to improve representation?
49:50 Ksenija: Cancel culture and if the artist offends.
1:18:53 Future of the TSO?

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
@Percussion - 245 - PAS COVID Taskforce!
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Watch here Listen Below
Become a supporter of the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/atpercussion
Guests: Michael Burritt (Eastman School of Music and President-Elect of PAS), Andrea Venet (University of North Florida), and Thad Anderson (University of Central Florida)
Hosts: Karli Viña, Ben Charles, Ksenija Komljenović Music by Reese Maultsby Managing COVID-19 Protocols in Administering Percussion Performance Curriculum: https://www.pas.org/docs/default-source/2020-files/managing-covid-19-protocols-in-administering-percussion-performance-curriculum.pdf
Intro music by Reese Maultsby - reesemaultsby.com
00:10 Intro and hello
02:27 Have your schools made a decision about instructional delivery methods (remote/hybrid/in-person)?
10:08 Conspiracy theorists and how do you know that the information you are presenting is credible?
15:00 How are you handling chamber music?
18:55 What can we do to improve ventilation systems?
26:33 What changes do you anticipate in making to the audition process for your undergraduate and graduate program? How will you evaluate the students?
29:26 Ensemble auditions
31:48 TROMP Competition utilizes a single-attempt video submission platform
34:13 UV lights
39:55 What did you learn from the spring – any successful tips and tricks pertinent to remote learning?
44:44 Students wanting to defer enrollment/take a break from school
52:46 Claire Chase – an inspiration in times of COVID (https://youtu.be/N5APIE2LkbI)
55:22 Liability and educators teaching in person
59:05 What can we do as educators to encourage good mental health practice for our students and ourselves?